Thursday, November 4, 2010

3 clubs down... and some refreshing insight

One of the things I love most about my life post-graduation is the time I have to read. Don't get me wrong- I don't have boatloads of free time... but I also don't have textbooks about effective public relations to read anymore. Growing up, I spent all my time reading (Nerd... I know). But since high school, when English teachers decide to assign 100 pages a night of a certain novel that the school board feels necessary for American teenagers to read... let's just say I haven't had a whole lot of reading-for-enjoyment-time. So forgive me for writing about what I've read....

... So I've been reading this book, "Back to the Basics of Young Life," by John Miller. It was a want-to/ had-to read mandated by my brother and boss, Matt Golley. It is incredible. What I read last night was by far my favorite part of the book so far. It was the chapter about contact work, which for those of you not as familiar with Young Life, is when we go to where kids are and hang out with them. This could be in the lunchroom at their high school, basketball games, their houses, etc. For many YL leaders, including myself, contact work is something you have to psych yourself up for. Put bluntly... it's awkward. Yes, I'm 22. Yes, I have a college degree. Yes, I'm on average 5 years older than any of the students I'm talking to. And on any given day this is my routine before going in to the school: I sit in the car... pray... and then act like I'm my own self-help book with thoughts something like, "I'm cool...I'm cool," or "I have my own friends," or "Remember... they're in high school." Miller's chapter on contact work reminded me why we go to where kids are. When Jesus was on earth, he went to people who were in need, sick, dying. When Jesus died on the cross and cried, "It is finished," his work here on earth was just that- finished. Now, we as the body of Christ are called to go in his place. That was an incredible reminder to me last night, tired after a full day of hanging out with kids. Jesus would like to go to lunch. Jesus would like to go to that volleyball game. Jesus would like to have coffee with that girl. But, in his love and grace, he allows me to go in his place, to be his ambassador. Wow. I think my pre-going to the school thoughts just changed.

Aidy and Michael showing off their tropies! 
Jettie, a volunteer leader and Nalani showing
off their costumes
On Monday, we had our 3rd club, which was a Costume Party. This might seem like a weird transition, but hang with me. Half of our club didn't speak any english and it was their first time coming to Young Life. This is a result of Matt's faithfulness the past year in coaching a football team in San Juan.

Everyone had a blast showing off their costumes, playing games and competing in a Thriller dance-off! The best part is that at the end Matt got to talk a little bit about this guy named Jesus. The fact that kids came, had fun and heard about Jesus is a miracle... and God let us be a part of it!

Matt and his football boys rocking out 
On Tuesday, as we went to high schools to hang out, we met new kids, talked with ones we knew and built relationships. We're doing our best to show up, to be consistent in the kids' lives that God has allowed us to meet because... well... He sent us here in His place. That is exciting and really really cool.
Ricky, the penguin... walking the red carpet! 
So, thanks to John Miller, his wisdom and my post-grad time to read for refreshing my view on why we GO.

Sidenote: If you're wondering why Matt chose to hire me... check out this link for reason #1.

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