Monday, January 24, 2011

It's 2011... and about time for an update

The new year started less than a month ago. Typically, one year merges in to the next and I don't notice the difference. Kind of like when you turn 20 after a year of being 19. But as January is nearing a close, I can say this year already has a different feel to it... more like I'm turning 16... or 21... or 50... though I'm not quite there yet. 

I went home for 3 weeks to the States over the holidays and it was a really sweet time. I spent time with family in Houston, got my fill of Philadelphia culture with my extended family and spent a week in Austin catching up with friends I haven't seen in way too long. It was great to be in a familiar place and see familiar people. As the time to head back to San Juan drew closer, a sweeter thing happened: I found myself missing the island. Missing my friends here... missing high school kids... missing warm weather... missing the crazy unique culture that makes this island what it is. I was excited to come back. It was an unexpected feeling... I was surprised at myself, but incredibly thankful. For the first time since moving here in September, I felt like I was going HOME. 

The first two weeks back have been wonderful; it wasn't long before I was thrown completely back in to Puerto Rican culture. The day after Matt and I returned to the island, Las Calles de San Sebastian happened. For those of you who might not be familiar with this... think Mardi Gras... then think bigger. All 4 million people living on the island of Puerto Rico, plus tourists, plus Puerto Ricans who live in the States that fly back just for this festival, cram themselves into the tiny streets of Old San Juan for one weekend and have a party. Anyone aged from high school up can be found there... and this year Matt, I and our friends joined in. It's one of those things you just have to experience in Puerto Rico, and it was great to begin reconnecting with our high school friends so soon after returning to the island. 

Our official work began this past week as we started planning out Young Life this semester. It's going to look a lot different than it did in the fall, but Matt and I are both incredibly excited about what it holds. I'll keep you updated on specifics as they happen, but we've basically shifted our focus from doing club every week to spending more time building into kids for the future and deepening relationships. A good chunk of my break in the States was spent praying for high school girls that I know well, kind of know, or don't know at all... and I'm really excited to see God continue moving and forming those relationships in ways that I don't expect and can't see right now. In the midst of planning, Matt and I have been asked several times to sub at one of the high schools we're working with, which is a huge blessing. It's such a great time with kids- we get to spend 8 hours with them and just hang out. God has been so faithful in continuing to open doors for us... please continue to pray for favor with schools and that He would begin opening doors in other high schools around San Juan! 
Gretchen, Peggy, Taylor and I at the Indian Caves
I mentioned earlier that this year felt different. There are many reasons for this: Puerto Rico feeling like home... YL looking different... but one of the biggest changes is the commitment Matt and I have made to thoroughly enjoy this beautiful island we get to live on! Our adventures in this area began this weekend. There was a professional longboarding competition in Guajataka, a town on the western part of the island. Matt, I and our friends Peggy, Gretchen and Becca road tripped out there... stopped at some incredible Indian Caves on the way... made friends with professional longboarders... ran in to high schools kids... and watched a surfing competition at an incredible beach. It was so life-giving. We've gotten pretty good at working hard. The next couple months we're working on learning to balance work with play. Check out the pictures from our weekend! 

Taylor, Peggy, Matt and I inside the caves
Please continue to pray for Young Life in PR... for God to give us opportunities to hang out with high school kids... for favor with administrations, schools and parents... and for God to continue growing us in our love for him and that it would overflow to our love for the people here. 
Longboarding... some sweet drifting going on here

The gang at Guajataka Beach

More stories to come soon! Thanks for caring... reading... supporting... praying. 

Much love,