Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So this is what it feels like to breathe again...

Hello friends,

It's been a couple weeks since I've updated you.. so I have a lot to share! The month of craziness is coming to a close.... and I'm finally going to spend more than a couple days at a time in Puerto Rico. It's finally going to feel like home again.

The last time I wrote, I was in the airport on my way to training in Colorado for Wilderness Ranch this summer, where I work as a backpacking guide. I spent almost a week in CO- it was great great time to spend with friends that I hadn't seen since last summer, and connect with the new guides! It was also such a sweet time of being poured in to spiritually, getting to spend time in prayer and allowing the Lord to start preparing my heart to be back there this summer. It also snowed multiple times... and I'm pretty sure one morning we woke to a chilly 14 degrees outside... so let's just say my body was in shock, and not very pleased with me, haha.

Frontier Ranch after a night of snow! 

After I left Colorado, I went to Texas for 2 days to see friends and family in Houston and Austin with Matt- who had stopped there on his way back from Colorado as well. The time was short, but it was sweet to be in Austin- a city we love and call home- and get to be with friends who knew us before we moved to Puerto Rico.

We headed back to the island on March 8th and a few days later my family came to visit for a week! My mom, brother, sister and grandparents all came down for their spring break. It was really fun to show them what my life is like here,  show them around and just all be together- it's been a while since we've gotten to do that. They met some of my friends here, went to the beach, the rainforest, hung out in Old San Juan and ate enough plantains to last me for a year. It was a really sweet time with them... They left on Saturday and I miss them already!

My brother, Matt, hanging out on El Morro

The view from the front of El Morro
It's a weird feeling to be back to normal life here. Last night, I found myself trying to process the last month- with all the traveling and people coming to visit. It's been crazy busy, and I feel like I've barely had time to breathe. It was such sweet time with people- whether I traveled somewhere to see them, or got to show them my life on the island. But I will admit, it's nice to feel like I live in Puerto Rico again. It's almost like I forgot what normal life is like here... and I'm having to re-introduce myself to the island. So it's a sigh of relief to be back to normal... to be able to breathe... to be home.

It's funny though... because as normal as it feels... my routine is so not routine. Every day is different. One thing finishes and another begins... creating this continuous string of days and relationships and events that make up Young Life in Puerto Rico. The most prevalent thing on my mind right now is taking kids to Crooked Creek, a YL camp, this summer. Honestly, if you're not going to CCR Week 4 this summer, I'm sorry... because it's going to be the best week of camp in the history of Young Life! I can't wait for these kids to have the best week of their lives there! Please continue to pray that God would provide ways for kids to go, and that we would be bold in asking them!!

That's all I got for now... more updates to come in the next week! Also, please feel free to shoot me an email or call me if you want to know more, if I can do anything for you, or just if you want to catch up! I would love to hear what's going on in your life!

Thank you for praying for us, and for high school kids here... It's encouraging to know that we have friends in the States supporting us.


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