Thursday, October 21, 2010

One month in...

One month and a few days in to my life in San Juan. It's a little incredible... and by incredible I mean unbelievable, ridiculous and life-giving.

Sitting in Starbucks thinking about the reality of me being here, helping out Matt Golley with Young Life, I'm overwhelmed with everything that God orchestrated for this to happen. Some would say this story began for me 10 months ago when Matt first presented me with the idea of moving to San Juan. Some would say it started a 2 1/2 years ago when Matt was hired to start YL in Puerto Rico. But for me, as I look back, it started during the fall of my freshman year in college when I first met Matt. Our paths crossed while I was training to be a YL leader and Matt was helping out with the program. God blessed me with a new brother that first semester, and continued to bless me with him as our friendship grew throughout my time in college.

So, for me... that's when this story started. With a seemingly random friendship that God allowed to stay in my life the past 4 years. Matt and I talked about doing ministry together one day... back in the day. And the fact that God brought it to fruition is mind-blowing for me.

The past month has been filled with everything you could expect when moving to a new place. I've gotten lost my share of times figuring out my way around San Juan. I've eaten mofongo, a classic Puerto Rican dish. High school kids have made fun of my attempts to speak Spanish. I've made friends... Puerto Rican and American. I found a church. Worshipping and listening to the Bible being read in Spanish is really growing on me. I've spent time on the beach. I've missed my family and friends... some days more than others. I miss cold weather. I've had days where I love being on my own and days where I want to live in a house with 10 girls again. But life is happening. It's actually happening at a speed comparable to NASCAR... or rockets... or light. And each day it happens a little bit more. I meet a man who works at Subway and he helps me with my Spanish. I meet a few more high school girls. I find my way to the high school without getting lost. I get to watch beautiful sunsets over the ocean. So life is happening here. In my mind, in my heart, in my soul, on my skin.

But... as if all that life wasn't enough to keep me busy, Young Life has also been happening here. We've been continuing with weekly campaigners and had our very first Young Life club ever on Monday. High school kids from all over San Juan came, had a blast and got to hear about how God created them in his image. Unique. Special. They heard about how they belong to Someone. Club wasn't perfect. We're working out kinks and learning how to do ministry in this culture... but it happened. And that's more than a little incredible. It's huge.

Those kids getting to hear that they were created, that they belonged to someone is a sweet thing. It's been a sweet thing for me to know that, too. That in a place where I often feel I don't have a place... I belong. I belong to my Father, my Abba. As Young Life really kicks off here for the fall, one of the things I'm most looking forward to is sharing that truth with kids. That no matter how your life looks or what the world thinks of it... you belong.

Thanks so much for sharing with me in this! I promise to do a way better job of writing more frequently. Love you all dearly.

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